Hate In a Time of Trump

In the last few years I’ve had numerous people confess to me that they were really struggling with hate towards Trump, his supporters, his enablers and the gang of conmen and criminals who have taken over our government. Given the behavior of these people, their open animosity, disdain and thinly veiled hatred for the rest of us and the harm being done to our government, … Continue reading Hate In a Time of Trump

Sadly, Being Nice Rarely Changes Things

While I’m usually pretty nice and well behaved here on my blog, it has happened a time or two in real life and on social media that I have been criticized for being too harsh, too dramatic and too provocative. The way I communicate has been called vulgar, bombastic, hateful, angry and divisive. More than one person has tried to plead with me (or shame … Continue reading Sadly, Being Nice Rarely Changes Things

Just How Out of Touch Are Trump and the Radical Right? Here’s the List

If anyone is confused about why the country is in an uproar right now (aside from the fact that cheeto Mussolini just took office), consider the difference between what the American people want and what is being forced on us by our government and the radical right: 78% say Citizens United was a bad decision 63% would support raising the minimum wage to $15/hr 75% … Continue reading Just How Out of Touch Are Trump and the Radical Right? Here’s the List

Your Simple Act of Resistance For the Day 1/23

We’re in a bit of a quandary here with Trump. He is giving every appearance of being a despot in the making. It’s possible, he’s just an idiot savant who is going to be one of our worst presidents and we’ll recover. And maybe our institutions are strong enough to withstand any attempt by him to step too far outside the lines. But after the … Continue reading Your Simple Act of Resistance For the Day 1/23

Trump Declares His Inauguration Day a “Day of Patriotic Devotion” #notajoke #notadrill

I’ve been arguing for months that it’s Trump’s intention to turn us into a Russian style oligarchy. So far, he’s done nothing to convince me otherwise. And now there’s this: Yes, that’s actually declaration, signed by Donald Trump, declaring the date of his inauguration to be “A Day of Patriotic Devotion”. Honestly. I don’t even know what to say, except this is not a drill. … Continue reading Trump Declares His Inauguration Day a “Day of Patriotic Devotion” #notajoke #notadrill

What’s the Point of Protesting? #womensmarch

After the shudder and wretch inducing inauguration, the incredibly successful Women’s March on Saturday was balm for a lot of our souls. A reminder that Trump does not have the support of the American people. Which is all well and fine,  but what good does protesting actually do? Especially when the aims of the protest are so nebulous and ill defined? Even if we have the numbers, … Continue reading What’s the Point of Protesting? #womensmarch

Your Simple Act of Resistance 1/20

Alrighty, peeps. This is not a drill. Here’s your simple act of resistance for today. Use this website to look up your lawmaker’s phone numbers and program them into your phone. You’re much more likely to actually call them if you don’t have to look it up. You’re going to be needing it. According to former legislative staffers, phone calls are the most effective way … Continue reading Your Simple Act of Resistance 1/20

Do You Think They’d Let Me Pet Their Unicorns If I Asked?

Many Trump supporters literally voted for a person who exists only in their head. I first realized that there was something strange going on with Trump and his supporters during the primaries when a seemingly normal man I’m connected to on Facebook shared a Trump ad saying, “this is amazing! Wow. If everyone saw this, Trump would win in a landslide. Finally, someone who gets … Continue reading Do You Think They’d Let Me Pet Their Unicorns If I Asked?

The Most Iconic Pictures of Donald Trump Ever

If I were in charge of a media outlet, these are the stock photos I would run alongside stories about him. Looks about right. Might be light blogging today. My ankle’s not feeling great and these pain meds are making me feel kind of bleg. I have an appointment on Friday to switch the splint I’ve had on for the last 2 weeks for a … Continue reading The Most Iconic Pictures of Donald Trump Ever

To All the Good, Decent People Supporting Donald Trump

To all the Trump supporters who feel that the negative, nasty reaction you’re on the receiving end of from the left is unfair, here’s the thing that I don’t think some of y’all understand. There are bad people in this world. Really, really bad people. There are people who are just hateful. There are people who believe terrible things about innocent people merely on the … Continue reading To All the Good, Decent People Supporting Donald Trump