Sunday Sermon Episode 10 Is Up!

Did Jesus Really Multiply Fishes and Loaves? Does It Matter?

This week’s Sunday Sermon episode is up over on my patreon page – free for all! No sign-up required. I hope you’ll check it out. This week I share my thoughts on why I don’t believe most Christians when they tell me that they value the spiritual more than the material.

If you have fallen behind on these weekly sermons, you can find all of them by clicking the button labeled “Sunday Sermon Series” below. These are sermons that are short, sweet, and deep so it’s easy to catch up on a couple of episodes you’ve missed in the time it takes to sit a spell with your cuppa whatever suits your fancy.

And finally, one of the things I sometimes hear back from people is that they really wanted to hear more about what have to say on certain topics. so I’m adding short audio recordings for patrons where I share my candid, personal thoughts on subjects raised by this week’s sermon. This week I share some thoughts on the subject of miracles that I think you’ll really enjoy. I do get more personal than I intended, but that’s why you have to pay your $2 to listen to them. Or you can pay more. I have lots of tiers with lots of goodies. But check it out. You absolutely won’t regret it.

And, as always, after you’ve shared all of this with your family, friends, neighbors, and the people in your email contact list, be sure to go check out The Upside Down World’s Merchandise Shop. But I do have to warn you that only cool, funny, smart, and insightful people like the stuff there. So fair warning and all.

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